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Imagine Paseo Boulevard redesigned for pedestrians, bicycles, and BRT for a fraction of the cost to build #kcstreetcar.
Bryan S7
Bryan S7 Jul 21, 2014
Imagine Paseo Boulevard redesigned for pedestrians, bicycles, and BRT for a fraction of the cost to build #kcstreetcar.

This street makes you feel...

Safe 1
Comfortable 1
Happy 1
Excited 0
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Similar Photos: Main Street is way to wide for local traffic. I would like to see less automotive lanes (one is enough on each side!) What if instead of adding bike lanes on Main, we added them on Broadway instead? There is a TON of space for it. This idea removes on-street parking (it's rarely used anyway) and adds bike lanes to Main St through Midtown.

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer